Class 7th English

Sanjeev Edupoint It helps to serve students to get high quality notes. so that can get good score and understand them for overall developments Class 7th English tulip series Prose Lesson 1: The Markhor (Abridged) Lesson 2: Lal Ded (Abridged) Lesson 3: Tobacco -The Silent Killer (Abridged) Lesson 4: A Mad Tea Party (Lewis Carrol) Lesson 5: Macbeth (Shakespeare-edited by McDonagh) Lesson 6: Fetching the Doctor (Hamlin Garland & Helen Trues dell Heath) Lesson 7: The Bahu Fort (Abridged & Adapted) Class 7th English Tulip series Poems Poem 1: Windows (Wes Magee) Poem 2: Trees (Joyce Kilmer) Poem 3: Abou Ben Adhem (Leigh Hunt) Poem 4: The Rebel (D. J. Enright) Poem 5: Sympathy (Charles Mackay) Poem 6: To Sleep (Wordsworth) Poem 7: The Gumbie Cat (T. S. Eliot) Class 7th English Tulip series Short -Stories Lesson 1: Three Questions (Leo Tolstoy) Lesson 2: The Little Girl (Katherine Mansfield) Lesson 3: Face Showing (B. P. Sathe) Lesson 4: A Shadow (R. K. Narayan) Lesson 5: La...