Chemical Reactions and Equations

MCQ Questions Science

(1) When Magnesium ribbon burns….......
a) White powder is form
b) reaction was completed in the absence of oxygen
c) formation of magnesium oxide
d) ribbon burns with a dazzling white flame and changes into white powder
ANS: formation of magnesium oxide
(2) Action of dilute sulphuric acid on zinc.
a) formation of sulphuric zinc
b) zinc get more diluted
c) carbondioxide formed
formation of hydrogen gas
ANS- formation of hydrogen gas
(3) Chemical change cannot determined by…….
a) change in state
b) change in color
c) evolution of gas
d) bubbles comes out.
ANS- bubbles comes out
(4) Choose the following observation which shows the chemical change.
(a) Change in smell
(b) Vapors comes out
(c) Reaction color change
(d) Reactant state change before taking part in reaction
ANS- Reaction color change
(5) Dilute sulphuric acid + …………….. formation of hydrogen gas
(a) Zinc oxide
(b) Zinc granule
(c) Zinc chloride
(d) Zinc ribbon
ANS- Zinc granule
(6) Chemical change is determined by…..
(a) Checking temperature with hand or thermometer
(b) Observing reactants
(c) Bubbles comes out
(d) Checking smell
ANS -Checking temperature with hand or thermometer
(7) ……………….. + ………………. = Magnesium oxide
(a) Magnesium , hydrogen
(b) Oxygen , magnesium solution
(c) Magnesium , H2O
(d) Magnesium , oxygen
ANS-Magnesium , oxygen
(8) Choose incorrect option
(a) Change in reactant state.
(b) Change in color
(c) Change in product state
(d) Change in temperature.
ANS- Change in reactant state
(9) Choose incorrect answer.
(a) Reactants react and form a product which shows by arrow placed between them.
(b) Product are written in right side ( RHS) and reactant ( LHS)
(c) Plus sign is always place between two reactants.
(d) Arrow is pointed towards reactants
ANS- Arrow is pointed towards reactants
(10) Formula of magnesium oxide.
(a) MnO2
(b) MgO
(c) Mg2O
(d) MnO
(11) Zinc + …………………. -->Zinc sulphate + …………..
(a) H2SO4, H
(b) H2SO4, H2
(c) O2,H2SO4,
(d) H2SO4, H2O
ANS- H2SO4, H2
(12) CO(g) + 2H2O(g) --->……………….. 
(a) CH3OH(l)
(b) CH3CH2OH(l)
(c) Water
(d) CO2
(13) Glucose cannot formed from …………
(a) CO2
(b) H2O
(c) Sunlight
(d) CO
(14) For the reaction……., …….., ……. are not indicates above and below the arrow in the equation.
ANS- Reactant
(15) Formula of slaked lime?
(a) Ca(OH)2
(b) Ca2CO3
(c) H2O
(d) CaO
ANS- Ca(OH)2
(16) The reaction in which a single product is formed from two or more reactants is known as…………….
(a) Decomposition reaction
(b) Combination reaction
(c) Redox reaction
(d) Photosynthesis reaction
ANS- Combination reaction
(17) Use of slaked lime…
(a) Used in medicines
(b) Used in washing soda
(c) Used in white washing walls
(d) Used in pickle
ANS- Used in white washing walls
(18) Burning of coal……give product of this reaction.
(a) CO2
(b) CO
(c) H2O
(d) C2H2
(19) Burning of natural gas is ……………. Reaction
(a) Endothermic
(b) Decomposition
(c) Photosynthesis
(d) Exothermic
ANS – Exothermic
(20) Burning of natural gas……….. choose a product.
a) CO2 , H2O
b) methane and water
c) ethane and carbondioxide
d) carbondioxide and oxygen
ANS –CO2 , H2O
(21) Carbohydrates broken down into ……………….
(a) Water
(b) Galactose
(c) Fats
(d) Glucose
 ANS- Glucose
(22) Respiration is ……………….. reaction.
(a) Exothermic
(b) Endothermic
(c) Combination
(d) None of the above
ANS- Exothermic
(23) Choose the odd multiple from the following…..
(a) Respiration reaction
(b) Burning of methane
(c) Decomposition of vegetables
(d) Formation of water from Hand O2
ANS- Formation of water from Hand O2
(24) Ferrous sulphate crystals has ………….in color.
(a) Yellow
(b) Blue
(c) Green
(d) Red
ANS- Green
(25) When ferrous sulphate heated.
(a) Formation of sulphuric acid
(b) Formation of ferric oxide
(c) Formation of sulphur
(d) Formation of sulphide
ANS-Formation of ferric oxide
(26) What is mean by quick lime?
(a) CaCO3
(b) CaO
(c) Ca
(d) CaOH2
(27) When calcium carbonate heated , we get ……………………. As a product.
(a) CaO
(b) Ca
(c) CaOH2
(d) CaCO3
(28) ………………….. is a use for manufacturing cement.
(a) quick lime
(b) limestone
(c) slaked lime
(d) washing soda
ANS- quick lime 
(29) Which color is shown after heating of lead nitrate.
(a) Yellow
(b) Brown
(c) Orange
(d) Green
ANS- Brown
(30) Emission of Brown fumes due to….
(a) Sulphur
(b) Nitrite
(c) Nitrogen dioxide
(d) Sulphur dioxide
ANS- Nitrogen dioxide
(31) Silver chloride turns ……………….in sunlight.
(a) Blue
(b) Green
(c) Yellow
(d) Grey
ANS-Grey(34) Decomposition reaction required energy in the form of ……………………. For breaking down the reactant.
(a) Heat, light,pressure
(b) Heat, light, catalyst
(c) Temperature, light, pressure
(d) Heat, light, electricity
ANS- Heat, light, electricity 
(34) Pb(s) + CuCl–> PbCl2(aq) + Cu find the type of reaction.
(a) Displacement
(b) Decomposition
(c) Endothermic
(d) Exothermic
(36) Choose the more correct answer.
Zinc reacts with copper sulphate gives zinc sulphate.
a) It is combination reaction
b) Is displacement reaction
c) Zinc is more reactive than copper hence it shows displacement reaction.
d) Copper is less reactive than zinc.
ANS- Zinc is more reactive than copper hence it shows displacement reaction.
(37) Any reaction that produces a precipitates can be called a………………………….. reaction.
(a) Displacement reaction
(b) Combination reaction
(c) Precipitates reaction
(d) Exothermic reaction
ANS- Precipitates reaction.
(38) Two ions present in the BaSO4.
Ba and O
Ba and SO4
Ba+2 and SO4-2
Ba+2 and O4-
ANS- Ba+2 and SO4-2
(39) MnO2 + 4HCl ………………….+ 2H2O +Cl2
(a) MnCl
(b) MnCl2
(c) MnO2
(d) Mn
ANS- MnCl2
(40) If a substance loses oxygen or gains hydrogen during a is …………………..
(a) Oxidized
(b) Evolve heat
(c) Absorb heat
(d) Reduced
ANS- Reduced
(41) Copper oxide + hydrogen ………….+ H2O
(a) CuO
(b) Cu
(c) Copper Chloride
(d) O2
(42) Iron is coated by reddish brown color
(a) rancidity
(b) corrosion
(c) rusting
(d) exothermic
(43) metals get tarnish due to
(a) rancidity
(b) corrosion
(c) rusting
(d) exothermic
ANS- Corrosion
(44) copper and silver get greenish due to
(a) corrosion
(b) rusting
(c) exothermic
(d) rancidity
ANS- Corrosion
(45) Metals attacks by substances around such as moisture, acid that we called metal get……..
ANS- corroded
(46) When oil and fats get oxidized
(a) corrosion
(b) rusting
(c) exothermic
(d) rancidity
ANS- Rancidity
(47) The substances which prevent oxidation.
(a) Preventers
(b) Antioxidants
(c) Vinegar
(d) Gases
ANS- Antioxidants
(48) Zinc oxide reacted with carbon forming
(a) Zn
(b) ZnO
(c) ZnCl2
(d) CaO
(49) Formula of Sodium Sulphate
(50) What is limestone?
(a) calcium carbonate
(b) calcium oxide
(c) carbon dioxide
(d) water
ANS- Calcium Carbonate
